Learn more about IMX Exchange

What we do

Physical Gold Exchange

Physical gold is bought, produced and sold (traded) through exchange operations.

Direct Relationships

The exchange maintains strong relationships with other mining operations, producers, sellers and purchasers.

Profitable Spreads

The exchange maintains profitable market margins / spreads between production cost, purchase and sell prices.


INTERCONTINENTAL METALS EXCHANGE, LTD, (IMX) is a Physical Exchange of Gold Bars, a Miner and Seller in the Physical Gold Markets throughout the world. IMX participates in Gold Mining Operations mainly in Africa and South America. Raw Gold is shipped from producing Gold Mines and sold in IMX Gold Exchange Markets.

In addition, IMX is influential in the world’s financial markets. The Exchange’s core business spans globally accommodating multiple languages. The company’s principals have more than 30 years of global trading experience. IMX was established to provide solutions for private individuals and businesses seeking economic growth and financial stability.

The Exchange is privileged to have established years long relationships with direct major market Physical Commodities in the global market place. A continuous effort is made to establish new relationships that will benefit IMX global influence. Completing multi-beneficial exchange transactions remains the focus of IMX.

The IMX team is represented by over 200 professionals consisting of Principals, Advisors, Managers, Attorneys, Market Traders, Geologist, Mining Employees, and Market Analysts. IMX provides optimum programs for product acquisition and distribution. Optimization is achieved by selecting, developing various programs that meet economic needs of Exchange Participants.

Exchange Program


Return Expectations

Participation is the generation of on-going profits by the Exchange in the Trading of Participant’s purchased Gold Bars from the Exchange.



The IMX Program is always liquid in either Physical Gold or in Cash (unlike Real Estate or other Tangible Assets).


Continuous Participation

Participants can roll over earned income and allow their Gold Bars to continue to trade and earn quarterly profits.