Learn about our gold exchange program 

Most people understand the concept of “Investing money” and looking for a potential future return on invested money. Investing money is the “hope” that an investment will yield positive results in the form of future returns. However, what is not discussed is that it is a true “hope” situation. A wish of what could happen. Nothing is proven that any invested capital will ever yield returns. Often, returns are given right back to the market. 

Most investment accounts fall into these categories, either dormant (not doing anything) or losing value due to market conditions and / or brokerage fees. Investors are subjected to listening to continuous excuses and told to continue to “hope” that the investment will yield a return at some point. Another issue, which is also never discussed, is “Time”. Time is the most valued commodity there is. The risk is not only in investments losing value due to remaining dormant, market conditions, or fees, but what of the “Time” value? Time value is overlooked with reference to retirement programs, investor’s age, or Investor’s income needs from invested capital. Once time is gone it is gone. Again, the term “Investment” is the ‘hope” of some future return on invested money. The question that begs is when?

Participation is the act of participating in something that is currently happening. To “Participate” is to take part of or be a part of an existing action. The reward of participation is the benefit from something that is currently producing results in the form of benefits.

IMX Participation is the generation of on-going profits by the Exchange in the Trading of Participant’s purchased Gold Bars from the Exchange. Each Participant’s Gold Bars is traded along with other Participants Gold Bars held by the Exchange. Participants open a Physical Gold Trading Account with the Exchange. Once the account is funded with the agreed upon quantity of Gold Bars to be purchased, Participants funds are used to purchase the agreed upon number of Gold Bars to be traded by the Exchange.

Participant chooses the level of participation in 1 kilo bar/s increments. (1/2 Kilo bar, 1/4 Kilo bar, 1/8 Kilo bar increments accepted upon prior Exchange approval). Prior Exchange approval is required for 5 or more bars to be purchased and traded.

2.The IMX Program is always liquid in either Physical Gold or in Cash (unlike Real Estate or other Tangible Assets). Participants can choose to receive or roll over their quarterly profits in full or in part. Participants can liquidate their account quarterly, collect or roll over earned income, allow their Gold Bars to continue to trade and earn quarterly profits. Should a Participant choose to liquidate their account they may do so in cash or physical gold. If account liquidation is in the form of Physical Gold, the Participant is responsible for all transport fees.

Participating in IMX Exchange Program is an action of being a part of the profits generated by current Exchange operations and receiving up to a 12% annual profit earned from Purchased Gold Bars from the Exchange. 
Intercontinental Metals Exchange (IMX) sells 1 Kilo bar/s, :(1/2 Kilo bar, 1/4 Kilo bar, 1/8 Kilo bar increments accepted upon prior Exchange approval). Prior Exchange approval is required for 5 or more bars to be purchased and traded. Exchange Participants receive a part of the Trading Profits generated by the Exchange for the use in trading of each of their purchased Gold Bars at a rate of 12% Annually per each Gold Bars on the funds used in the initial purchase price. Earned profits are from the continuous physical trading of the purchased Gold Bars. Participants Gold Bars are sold to various Gold buying institutions during prime price conditions then replaced either from Exchange controlled mining facilities or re-purchased upon favorable price conditions.
Discover the difference between investing and hoping versus participating and receiving. Stock Market investing is All Paper. All Paper follows the direction of market sentiment no matter what type of stock investment. Participation in IMX Physical Gold Exchange eliminates the risk of Paper Investments and Illiquid Assets

How the program works

Intercontinental Metals Exchange (IMX) sells 1 Kilo bar/s, 1/2 Kilo bar/s, 1/4 Kilo bar/s increments. Prior Exchange approval is required for 5 or more bars, collectively in a single purchase, to be purchased and traded. Exchange Participants receive a part of the Trading Profits generated by the Exchange for the use in trading of each of the Participants purchased Gold Bars at a rate of 8% first year, 10% second year, and 12% third and subsequent years of being a part of the IMX Participation Program pursuant to funds used in the initial purchase price of Participants gold bar/s. Earned annual profits are generated from continuous physical trading, lending, monetizing, of Participants purchased Gold Bars. As well, Participants Gold Bars can be sold to various gold buying institutions during prime price conditions then replaced either from Exchange controlled mining facilities or re-purchased upon favorable price conditions.